11.29.2014 | TI8


Location: Tucson -> Home
Breakfast: Granola parfait at Starbucks
Lunch: Pulled Pork sandwich at AJ’s Purveyors of fine food in Tucson
Afternoon snack:Gelato at Frost in Tucson. This is some of the best gelato I’ve had outside of Italy. Really, really good. Dark chocolate was almost too dark and rich, but cut with a scoop of strawberry-champagne and it was fabulous.

Later on, there was much candy on the airplane home.
Dinner:Stuffed spinach and mushroom pizza from Zacchary’s

11.28.2014 | TI8


Breakfast: Pop tarts
Morning Snack: Granola bar
Lunch: Leftover turkey sandwich with the works
Afternoon snack:Frapuccino
Dinner:A bunch of dishes from a local Mexican place in Tucson. Plus a dish of enchiladas that Tony whipped up from the smoked turkey which were amazing.
Dessert: Roasted marshmallows and hot cocoa

11.27.2014 | TI8


Location: Tucson (Thanksgiving)
Breakfast: Pop Tarts
Lunch: Leftover pizza
Afternoon snack:Port wine wheese and crackers
Dinner:The works. 2 kinds of turkey (one smoked, one oven roasted), 2 kinds of cranberries (traditional and one with jalapeno), 2 kinds of stuffing (traditional and cornmeal with chorizo), Ham, mashed potatoes, root vegetables, green bean and onion casserole, zucchini casserole, crescent rolls, probably some other stuff I forgot.
Dessert: 4 kinds of pie. Apple (eliza), cranberry tart (Suzanne), Apple cheesecake, and Cherry pie (Brian)

11.16.2014 | TI8


Location: WSN Tacoma -> Home
Morning Snack: Coke
Lunch: Beef brisket BBQ at the meeting
Dinner:Experimental creamed turkey on waffles
creamed turkey waffles
Dessert: Coffee ice cream with hot fudge

11.15.2014 | TI8


Location: WSN Tacoma
Morning Snack: Bagel at the coffee break
Lunch: Turkey and brie sandwich. Was OK, but had pickled red peppers which were not a plus.
Afternoon snack:Cookies and diet Coke
Dinner:Really bad prime rib banquet food
Dessert: Really tasty chocolate cheesecake. Also banquet food

11.12.2014 | TI8


Location: Home -> Friday Harbor
Breakfast: Grapenuts, cranberry juice, part of 3 strawberries
Lunch: Turkey and bacon sandwich at the airport. It was expensive, but a gargantuan hunk of sandwich and pretty tasty.
Afternoon snack: Pear
Dinner: Pulled pork sandwich at Hayley’s! The flavor has changed, but still good.

11.8.2014 | TI8


Breakfast: Grapenuts, cranberry juice
Lunch: Sandwich made with leftover pork tenderloin, chedder cheese, hummus, and BBQ sauce. It was definitely an experiment, and not as bad as I thought it would be. Kinda good, in fact.
Afternoon snack:Diet Coke
Dinner:Crazy selection of appetizers at 25th reunion party. Sliders, slider sandwiches (turkey, ham, roast beef). Meat skewers. Bunch of stuff. Also, maybe a beer.

10.22.2014 | TI8


Breakfast: little cupcake things at a conference

Morning Snack: More of the same. Feeling kinda gnarly

LunchTogo’s turkey and bacon sandwich

Afternoon snack:  Chocolate chip cookies

Dinner: Nachos and taquitos at El Palomar in Santa Cruz 

Dessert: Experimental chocolate chip cookie dough tart

9.25.2014 | TI8


Breakfast: Grapenuts, cranberry juice, 6 strawberries

LunchLeftover meatloaf cups

Dinner:  All sorts of hors d’oeuvres at some reception

Dessert: Well, I was kind of hungry, so I had some leftover mashed potatoes with bolognese sauce. And then some chocolate bark.

8.27.2014 | TI8


Breakfast: Cliff bar (early morning meeting)

LunchBurrito from Vallejos in Sacramento. One of those meals that just does an injury! This was the closest place to our meeting, and we got a recommendation from someone whose cousin owned it or something. Anyway, I ordered a carnitas burrito, and it shows up about the same size as a chinchila. I kid you not, this fucking thing would not have fit through a piece of 4″ PVC. I didn’t finish it, thank god, but it was still like a bomb went off. Sadly, except for the size, it was disappointing. The meat was beautifully cooked, but the flavor was bland.


Afternoon snack:  Frappucino. Not because I was hungry (like hell!) but because I was tired and had a long drive.

Dinner:  Leftover chicken

Dessert:  See’s candy