3.28.2015 | TI8

This marks quite a milestone in Dish Digest… today wraps up the first year of this project. It started out as a simple way to remember where we found a particular recipe, but it’s become a great way to think about what I eat, where I’ve been, and just how often “chocolate” appears in my tag cloud.


Lunch: Chicken and cucumber on pita with hummus
Afternoon snack: chocolate chips
Dinner: Timpano. This was a freakin’ amazing meal that our friends have been making regularly for 15 years. I think they got the idea from watching this move, Big Night. Essentially, it’s a baked ziti in a pie crust, and it was amazing. Also a green salad.
Dinner #2: Timpano. Apparently, seconds were required.
Dessert: Chocolate and raspberry gelato.

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